Americas Cup

Oracle tar Alinghi til retten

Oracle tar Alinghi til retten

Golden Gate Yacht Club (GGYC), eller Oracle BMW Racing, har stevnet Société Nautique de Genève (SNG), eller Alinghi, for retten I New York. Amerikanerene mener at Alinghi ikke oppfyller de opprinnelige intensjonene til Americas Cup. 

Publisert Sist oppdatert

Americas Cup har tatt nok en tur innom rettssalene denne uken etter at GGYC stevnet SNG for retten i New York. De hevder at den spanske utfordreren ikke tilfredsstiller kravet til en utfordrer i følge the Deed of Gift - som er det opprinnelige AC dokumentet.

Her er punktene som GGYC mener at SNG tar feil, og vi tar det på engelsk for at det skal bli helt rett:

The San Francisco club is asking the Court to:

- void the purported challenge of the Club Náutico Español de Vela (CNEV) because CNEV does not qualify under the Deed of Gift as a challenger;

- declare the "Protocol Governing the 33rd America's Cup" agreed between SNG and CNEV null and void because (i) CNEV was an invalid challenger, and (ii) SNG is engaging in self-dealing by accepting CNEV's purported challenge and entering into a protocol which eliminates Challenger rights and omits basic information regarding match rules and conditions.

- declare that GGYC's challenge filed on 11 July 2007 for the 33rd America's Cup is valid; and

- require SNG to accept GGYC's challenge, and implement the terms of the Deed of Gift by participating with GGYC in the establishment of a proper protocol though a consensual process; or, failing that, to proceed with a match with GGYC under the rules expressly set forth in the Deed of Gift.

Det er ikke gitt når rettsvesenet I New York tar tak i denne saken. Det kan jo hende de har noen ordentlig kriminelle å dele ut dommer til i mellomtiden...